Monday, November 2, 2009

Rose without wings

In starting an online blog, my hope was it would encourage me in the discipline of writing, something I very much enjoy. One aspect of writing that is especially rewarding is when I can utilize writing to capture moments. And yet, with so many demands on my time, I have not been able to focus in this area as much as I would like.

Here is, however, a moment from last week.

It was just before bed and Abigail was looking through her picture Bible. She came to a picture of Jesus on the cross.

"Momma, look at Jesus. Why did he died?" I then proceeded to again explain the need for his death. She looked quite confused throughout my explanation. When I was finished, she, with great enthusiasm yelled, “But, He was raised from being dead.” And then a few seconds later, “But he didn’t have wings.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

little abi. that is precious. ;-) -Big Moriah